Kraftee Bug Arts and Crafts Centre




Saturday, 2 December 2017

December – When I grow up

It's important that all children grow up with aspirations and dreams. To conclude our class for 2017, we got our students to think about the future pushing their vision to several years ahead by asking them to visualize ‘what they want to be when they grow up’.

It was an interesting exercise indeed! Before putting their creativity on paper, we started off with an exciting discussion. Everyone shared their thoughts, views and hopes of their future. Then they were asked to visualize their future self, donned in their future work attire with 'tool/s of trade’ in hand. Somewhere along the way, the theme took a twist and got more exciting, with the children veering off into a concept change by showing ‘paper puppet clothes’ to go with their choice of career! They were driving the class!

Learning outcome: Self-confidence, Imagination, forward-thinking and Creativity