Kraftee Bug Arts and Crafts Centre




Saturday, 31 March 2018

March - Batik

Today, we emphasised on the four areas of creative development; `sensory, imagination, material and technique’. The class started with a brief introduction of our traditional art - ‘Batik’, and a video on Batik painting was shown to the class (Sensory). Next, a demonstration of the technique was shown and the class was asked to come up with their own Batik subject matter/theme (Imagination). The students then explored the combination of crayon (alternative to wax) and watercolour (material). This activity applied the technique of wax-resist and watercolour wash which emphasized on creating smooth changes of colour (technique) 

 Learning outcome: Introduction to Batik (wax-resist), creativity and watercolour wash technique.

Saturday, 24 March 2018

March - Endangered Animals

Four days ago, the world was shocked by the passing of the last Northern White male Rhino. This sparked actions to spread awareness and understanding on animal extinction. Today’s two sessions discussed the cause and effects of animal extinction and how being kind to animals and the environment can help save the animals.

Giant Pandas and African Elephants are listed in the Endangered Species. As part of this awareness initiative, students were introduced to finger puppet; where they created an impression of the lovable Panda and the African Elephant.

Learning Outcome: Awareness and Knowledge of Animal extinction, Creativity, Sensory, Imagination, Fun and Fine motor skills.

Saturday, 17 March 2018

March: My Bedroom Name Tag

Children go through a phase of being possessive and wanting to put a stamp on things, and themselves. They seek ownership, attention and identity. Today's exercise on "personal name/door tag" is to acknowledge the child's need to express individuality and personality, a sense of pride in associating with what matters most and showcase their creative preferences in colours, style and form.
Learning outcome: Expression of Individuality and personality, Creativity exercise and sense of pride and accomplishment

Saturday, 10 March 2018

March- Vitamins!

Vitamins! Today we have chosen a “healthier” subject matter, VITAMINS! The class started with a round table discussion on how healthy, rich with vitamins food can help our body. Focusing on the essential vitamins, the class discussed on the source and the benefits of Vitamin A, B, C, D, E and K. Next, the Bugs were tasked to creatively express visually what they have been taught onto paper.

 The main objective of today’s exercise is learning through visuals. Many large bodies of research indicate that visual cues help to better retrieve and retain information. We hope this exercise will help our Bugs to be a better learner; applying learning through visualizing technique as part of their creative learning process.

 Learning Outcome: The source and benefits of Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, and K, Learning through Visual technique, Creativity enhancement and hopefully promote awareness of a better, healthier diet for all.

Sunday, 4 March 2018

March-My First Cartoon!

Today we have chosen a “healthier” subject matter, VITAMINS! The class started with a round table discussion on how healthy, rich with vitamins food can help our body. Focusing on the essential vitamins, the class discussed on the source and the benefits of Vitamin A, B, C, D, E and K. Next, the Bugs were tasked to creatively express visually what they have been taught onto paper. 

 The main objective of today’s exercise is learning through visuals. Many large bodies of research indicate that visual cues help to better retrieve and retain information. We hope this exercise will help our Bugs to be a better learner; applying learning through visualizing technique as part of their creative learning process. 

 Learning Outcome: The source and benefits of Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, and K, Learning through Visual technique, Creativity enhancement and hopefully promote awareness of a better, healthier diet for all.