Kraftee Bug Arts and Crafts Centre




Saturday, 2 March 2019

March - Malayan Tapir

The Malayan Tiger is our "gem", but we have another that we, Malaysians are proud of – the Malayan Tapir.  Today we discussed the five interesting facts of this unique animal; our small contribution in bringing awareness to how the soon-to-be extinct animal needs attention. We want to ensure that the Tapir does not just disappear from the face of the earth or from our consciousness.

The class started with a brief on the 5 facts, continuing into a step-by-step guide to draw a tapir. Next, to further emphasise the subject and our student’s creativity, focus and patience were put to the test.  They were required to complete a black and white collage of a Tapir.

Learning outcome: Awareness and Knowledge of Animal extinction and the Malayan Tapir, Creativity, Sensory, Imagination, Fun and Fine motor skills.

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